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Saturday, June 24, 2023

Integrating 3CX Phone System Version 15 with CRM: Streamline Communication and Boost Productivity

3CX is a cutting-edge program that leverages Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology to transform the way we make phone calls. Unlike traditional phone systems that rely on copper lines, 3CX harnesses the power of the internet to transmit your calls seamlessly. By utilizing this innovative approach, 3CX offers a plethora of advanced features and unparalleled flexibility.

At the core of 3CX lies its software-based private branch exchange (PBX) phone system, meticulously developed and marketed by the esteemed company, 3CX. This groundbreaking solution empowers businesses to optimize their communication infrastructure, unlocking a world of possibilities and enhancing productivity. With 3CX, organizations can enjoy a comprehensive suite of features while capitalizing on the scalability and agility offered by VoIP technology.

To successfully configure the integration between tg2sip and 3CX, you need to follow these two steps:

Configuring tg2sip:

Open the configuration file, usually named settings.ini, for tg2sip.

Locate the specific sections related to the SIP configuration. These sections may vary depending on the version of tg2sip you are using.

Uncomment the lines in the settings.ini file that contain the specific configurations you want to apply. 

This might include parameters like the SIP server address, port number, username, password, and other relevant settings.

Save the changes to the settings.ini file.

Configuring a trunk/SIP endpoint in 3CX:

Open the 3CX management console.

Navigate to the "Trunks" section or the area where you can configure SIP endpoints.

Create a new trunk by clicking on the "Add Trunk" or similar button.

Choose the appropriate settings for the trunk configuration. Provide a unique 4-digit number to identify the trunk (e.g., "2001").

Specify the necessary information for the SIP endpoint, such as the SIP server address, port number, authentication credentials, and any additional settings required by your SIP provider or network setup. Save the trunk configuration.

Once both ends are configured, you can test the connection by making a call from Telegram. Ensure that the necessary lines in the settings.ini file are uncommented to activate the desired configurations. It's important to note that when configuring the trunk in 3CX, you should select the appropriate trunk type based on the specific requirements of your SIP provider or network setup. If you encounter any issues, it's recommended to consult the documentation or support resources provided by both tg2sip and 3CX for further troubleshooting.

3CX CRM Integration

The main steps involved in integrating 3CX Phone System version 15 with a CRM system:

Ensure you have the professional version of 3CX: Most advanced CRM integrations require the professional license of 3CX.

Access the 3CX management console: Log in to the 3CX management console as an administrator.

Open the Extensions section: Navigate to the Extensions section within the console.

Select the user to edit: Choose the user for whom you want to configure the CRM integration.

Enable integrations: Go to the Integration tab for the selected user and check the "Enable integrations" option.

Choose the CRM integration: Select the desired CRM integration from the available options. The list includes various CRM systems like Microsoft Outlook, Office 365, Dynamics, Google Contacts, Freshdesk, and many more.

Save the settings: Click OK or Save to save the integration settings for the user.

Restart the 3CX client: Instruct the user to close the 3CX client application and reopen it. They may need to reboot their computer for the changes to take effect.

Access the integration settings: Once the 3CX client is reopened, go to Settings and then Advanced Settings.

Configure the CRM integration: In the Advanced Settings, locate the Integration section and choose the CRM integration you selected earlier (e.g., vtiger).

Provide CRM details: Enter the URL of the CRM system's homepage, along with the username and access key for the CRM.

Define integration options: Configure various options such as contact syncing, call journaling, and the preferred browser for pop-ups.

Save the integration settings: Save the settings for the CRM integration.

Test the integration: Make a test call to check if the integration is working correctly. The CRM system should automatically record the call and display relevant contact information based on the phone number.

These steps outline the general process of integrating 3CX Phone System version 15 with a CRM system. It's important to note that specific CRM systems may have additional or different configuration requirements, so referring to the documentation or support resources for both 3CX and the CRM system is recommended for detailed instructions.

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