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Saturday, June 24, 2023

A Comprehensive Guide of A2P messaging with 10DLC

What is A2P messaging with 10DLC?

A2P (Application-to-Person) refers to communication between an application or software system and an individual. It typically involves sending automated messages from an application to a person's mobile device.

10DLC (10-Digit Long Code) is a term used to describe the use of traditional 10-digit phone numbers for sending A2P messages. It is an alternative to short codes (usually 5 or 6 digits) that were traditionally used for A2P messaging. 10DLC allows businesses to leverage their existing phone numbers for A2P messaging, providing a familiar and recognizable sender ID for recipients.

The use of 10DLC for A2P messaging has gained popularity due to regulatory changes and the need for improved message deliverability, higher throughput, and increased trust between businesses and consumers. It helps prevent fraud and spam, as it provides better identification and accountability for message senders.

Here are the followings things to consider why it is important:

Registration and Trust Score: To use A2P 10DLC, businesses need to register their phone numbers with the respective carriers or aggregators. The registration process typically involves providing information about the business, the intended use of A2P messaging, and any additional documentation required by the carriers. The registration process helps establish a trust score for the business, which can impact message deliverability and throughput.

Campaign Types: A2P 10DLC supports various campaign types, including marketing messages, notifications, alerts, and two-way messaging. These campaigns can be used for purposes such as customer engagement, transactional notifications, appointment reminders, verification codes, and more.

Throughput and Message Volumes: A2P 10DLC allows businesses to send messages at higher volumes compared to traditional P2P (Person-to-Person) messaging. The exact throughput depends on the specific carrier and the trust score associated with the registered phone number. Higher trust scores generally result in higher throughput limits.

Sender ID: With A2P 10DLC, the sender ID appears as a 10-digit long code phone number. This helps recipients identify the sender easily, as the phone number is recognizable and associated with the business or brand.

Compliance and Filtering: A2P 10DLC aims to reduce fraudulent and spam messages. Carriers and aggregators implement filtering mechanisms to monitor and prevent unauthorized or abusive messaging practices. Compliance with carrier regulations and best practices is crucial to ensure message delivery and maintain a positive reputation.

Cost Structure: A2P 10DLC typically offers a more cost-effective solution compared to short codes. However, pricing structures can vary between carriers and aggregators. Costs may be based on factors such as message volume, sender ID reputation, throughput requirements, and any additional services or features provided by the carrier or aggregator.

Analytics and Reporting: A2P 10DLC provides businesses with enhanced visibility into message delivery and performance. Carriers and aggregators offer analytics and reporting tools to track message status, delivery rates, response rates, and other metrics. These insights help businesses monitor the effectiveness of their messaging campaigns and optimize their A2P communication strategies.

By utilizing 10DLC, businesses can send A2P messages with improved deliverability rates, reduced costs, and increased visibility into message status and performance.

Campaign Approval: When registering for A2P 10DLC, carriers assign a trust score to each registered phone number. This score reflects the carrier's confidence in the business's legitimacy and adherence to messaging regulations. The trust score is determined based on factors such as the business's history, compliance record, message content, and user feedback. Carriers may also require businesses to undergo a vetting process to verify their identity and intentions.

Additionally, carriers may require campaign approval for certain types of A2P messaging, especially for high-volume campaigns or those involving sensitive content like financial or healthcare information. This approval process ensures that the messages comply with carrier guidelines and industry regulations.

Compliance and Monitoring: A2P 10DLC involves adhering to carrier-specific rules and industry regulations to prevent abuse and maintain the integrity of the messaging ecosystem. Carriers employ monitoring mechanisms to identify and prevent unauthorized or malicious messaging practices. These mechanisms include content filtering, message analytics, and machine learning algorithms that detect anomalies or suspicious activities.

Businesses must comply with specific guidelines, such as message frequency limits, content restrictions (e.g., avoiding spam, scams, or illegal content), and opt-out mechanisms for recipients to unsubscribe from future messages. Non-compliant businesses may face penalties, including message delivery restrictions or even blacklisting.

Campaign Management and APIs: A2P 10DLC providers often offer application programming interfaces (APIs) that enable businesses to integrate A2P messaging into their software systems or applications. These APIs allow for seamless campaign management, message personalization, and automation.

Businesses can utilize APIs to send messages, manage opt-ins and opt-outs, retrieve message delivery reports, and track campaign performance in real-time. APIs also provide functionality for two-way communication, allowing recipients to respond to messages and engage in conversations with the business.

Long Code Pooling and Routing: Carriers employ long code pooling and routing mechanisms to efficiently manage A2P 10DLC traffic. Long code pooling involves multiple businesses sharing the same pool of 10-digit long codes, while routing determines how incoming messages are distributed among those businesses.

Pooling and routing enable carriers to balance message volumes, optimize delivery routes, and prevent congestion. It also allows businesses to enjoy the benefits of A2P messaging without the need for dedicated long codes, reducing costs and improving resource utilization.

Carrier-Specific Features and Limitations: Different carriers may have their own specific features, limitations, and requirements for A2P 10DLC. These can include varying throughput limits, message length restrictions, supported character sets, and compliance guidelines. It is essential for businesses to understand and adhere to the specifications of the specific carrier(s) they are working with to ensure successful A2P messaging campaigns.

It's worth noting that the technical details of A2P 10DLC may vary based on the specific country, region, or carrier. It's important for businesses to stay informed about the latest regulations and guidelines provided by the carriers they work with to ensure compliance and optimal message deliverability.

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